Today in honor of national women in sports day, I would like to give a shout out to all the ladies out there who throw on their jerseys to put of a show of hellacious fury on the rugby pitch. Women play an important role in the world, this is without question. But despite the majority if the viewership going to the men's leagues, I would hope that when I have daughters, they'd sit down with me to watch real women do something so nontraditional for their gender as play rugby.
I believe firmly that men and women are equally important to society, while both men and women will almost assuredly always have a difference in roles, I hope my daughters can grow up watching women do whatever they want! Whether my daughters want to be rugby players, astronauts, business moguls, or simply mothers, I want them to know that they can do that.
I would like to point out one particular woman who has shaped my love for the women's sport, Sachiko Kato. Hailing from Japan, she plays for the women's counterpart to my favorite European rugby team, the Exeter Chiefs. It may be because I have a soft spot for Japan or it might be because she just sticks out to me as an incredible prop come scrum time, but something about her just amazes me. If Sachiko ever see's this, I want to thank you. If it wasn't for you, I don't think I would have ever gotten to the point where I watch women's rugby just as intently as men's.
To every woman out there who plays a sport, be it professionally, in high school, college or just a community league. Thank you for doing what you love and doing it incredibly well! You are all an inspiration.